Unlocking the Power of Acumatica Custom Fields: Why Your ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names List is Empty and How to Fix It
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Unlocking the Power of Acumatica Custom Fields: Why Your ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names List is Empty and How to Fix It

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As an Acumatica user, you’ve probably stumbled upon the frustration of creating custom fields that don’t show up in the ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names list. You’re not alone! This issue is more common than you think, and it’s not because of a lack of Acumatica expertise. In this article, we’ll delve into the common reasons behind this problem, explore possible solutions, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to get your custom fields up and running in no time.

The Mystery of the Missing Custom Field

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand why your custom field might not be showing up in the ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names list. Here are some common culprits:

  • Incorrect Custom Field Configuration: A misconfigured custom field can prevent it from appearing in the list. We’ll cover the correct setup process later in this article.
  • Permission Issues: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to view and edit custom fields. If you’re not the system administrator, check with your admin to see if they’ve restricted access to custom fields.
  • Data Field Definition Errors: A faulty data field definition can cause the custom field to disappear from the list. We’ll explore data field definitions in more detail later.
  • : Sometimes, a simple browser refresh or clearing the cache can resolve the issue.
  • Acumatica Version or Update Issues: If you’ve recently updated Acumatica or are using an older version, it might be causing compatibility issues with custom fields.

Step-by-Step Solution: Creating and Configuring Custom Fields in Acumatica

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s walk through the process of creating and configuring custom fields in Acumatica:

Step 1: Create a New Custom Field

To create a new custom field, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Customization menu and select Custom Fields.
  2. Click the New button to create a new custom field.
  3. Enter a unique Field Name and Display Name for your custom field.
  4. Select the Data Type and Field Type that matches your requirements.
  5. Choose the Table and Column where you want to store the custom field data.
  6. Click Save to create the custom field.

Step 2: Configure the Data Field Definition

A data field definition is crucial for your custom field to appear in the ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names list. Here’s how to configure it:

Go to Customization > Data Field Definitions
Click New to create a new data field definition
Select the correct Table and Column for your custom field
Enter a unique Field Name and Display Name
Choose the correct Data Type and Field Type
Click Save to create the data field definition

Step 3: Add the Custom Field to the ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names List

Now that you’ve created the custom field and data field definition, it’s time to add it to the ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names list:

  1. Navigate to the Customization menu and select ADD DATA FIELDS.
  2. Click the Custom tab.
  3. Click the + Add Field button.
  4. Select the custom field you created in Step 1.
  5. Choose the correct Data Field Definition from the dropdown list.
  6. Click Save to add the custom field to the list.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even after following the above steps, you might still encounter issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome common problems:

Issue Solution
Custom field not visible in the ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names list Check if the custom field is enabled in the Custom Fields list. Ensure that the data field definition is correct and the field is added to the correct table and column.
Custom field appears in the list but is not editable Verify that the custom field has the correct permissions and access levels. Check if the field is set to read-only or if there are any restrictions on editing.
Error message: “The custom field cannot be added because it is not defined in the data field definition” Review the data field definition and ensure that it matches the custom field’s table and column. Check if the data field definition is correctly configured.

Best Practices for Acumatica Custom Fields

To ensure that your custom fields work seamlessly and avoid common issues, follow these best practices:

  • Use unique names for custom fields and data field definitions to avoid conflicts and errors.
  • Keep your custom fields organized by categorizing them using folders and labels.
  • Test your custom fields thoroughly before deploying them in production.
  • Document your custom fields and data field definitions to ensure that other users understand their purpose and configuration.
  • Regularly update and maintain your custom fields to ensure compatibility with Acumatica updates and changes.


With these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue of your custom field not showing up in the ADD DATA FIELDS CUSTOM Field Names list. Remember to follow best practices, stay organized, and keep your custom fields up-to-date to ensure a seamless Acumatica experience.

By unlocking the power of Acumatica custom fields, you can streamline your workflows, enhance user experience, and drive business growth. So, go ahead and create those custom fields – your business will thank you!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Acumatica custom fields not showing up where they should? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why can’t I see my custom field in the Add Data Fields custom field names list?

This might happen if the custom field is not published or not deployed to the correct company. Make sure to publish the custom field and deploy it to the correct company where you want to use it. Also, double-check that the custom field is not hidden or deleted.

I’ve published and deployed the custom field, but it still doesn’t show up. What’s next?

Check the custom field’s data type and length. Ensure it’s compatible with the data type and length of the field you’re trying to add it to. If the data type or length is incorrect, the custom field won’t show up in the list. Adjust the data type and length accordingly, and try again.

Is there a specific permission or role required to view custom fields in the Add Data Fields list?

Yes, the user trying to add the custom field needs to have the necessary permissions. Ensure the user has the “Customization” permission enabled, which allows them to access and manage custom fields. If the user doesn’t have this permission, they won’t be able to view or add custom fields.

Can I add a custom field to a specific screen or form in Acumatica?

Absolutely! You can add custom fields to specific screens or forms in Acumatica by using the “Screen” or “Form” property of the custom field. This allows you to control where the custom field appears in the system. Just make sure to set the correct screen or form property when creating or editing the custom field.

What if I’ve tried all the above steps and my custom field still doesn’t show up?

Don’t panic! Reach out to Acumatica support or your partner for further assistance. They can help you troubleshoot the issue and identify the root cause. It’s possible that there might be a bug or another underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

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