How to Horizontally Align a Specific Flex Item While Others Remain Centered Using CSS?
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How to Horizontally Align a Specific Flex Item While Others Remain Centered Using CSS?

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on mastering flexbox alignment! Today, we’re going to tackle one of the most frequently asked questions in the world of CSS: how to horizontally align a specific flex item while others remain centered. Buckle up, folks, and get ready to flex your CSS muscles!

Understanding Flexbox Alignment

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a quick detour to understand the basics of flexbox alignment. Flexbox (short for flexible box) is a layout mode in CSS that helps you create flexible and responsive layouts. It’s made up of two main components: flex containers and flex items.

Flex containers are the parent elements that contain the flex items. You can specify the direction of the flex items using the `flex-direction` property. The most common values are `row` and `column`, which align items horizontally and vertically, respectively.

Flex items, on the other hand, are the child elements within the flex container. You can control their alignment using the `justify-content` and `align-items` properties.

The Problem: Aligning a Specific Flex Item

So, what happens when you want to align a specific flex item differently from the others? Imagine you have a navigation menu with three items: Home, About, and Contact. You want the Contact item to be aligned to the right, while the others remain centered.


In this scenario, the `justify-content` property won’t help, as it applies to all flex items equally. That’s where we need to get creative with our CSS skills!

Solution 1: Using the `margin` Property

One way to align a specific flex item is by using the `margin` property. You can add `margin-left: auto` or `margin-right: auto` to the flex item you want to align differently.

  nav ul {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
  nav ul li:last-child {
    margin-left: auto;

In this example, we’re adding `margin-left: auto` to the last child element (`li`) of the `ul` element. This will push the Contact item to the right, while the others remain centered.

Pros and Cons

This solution is simple and effective, but it has some limitations. If you have a dynamic number of flex items, you might need to adjust the `margin` value accordingly. Additionally, this method can become cumbersome when dealing with multiple flex items that require different alignments.

Solution 2: Using the ` justify-self` Property

Another way to align a specific flex item is by using the `justify-self` property. This property allows you to override the `justify-content` property for a specific flex item.

  nav ul {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
  nav ul li:last-child {
    justify-self: flex-end;

In this example, we’re using `justify-self: flex-end` to align the last child element to the right. This property takes precedence over the `justify-content` property, making it an ideal solution for our problem.

Browser Support

Keep in mind that the `justify-self` property has limited browser support, particularly in older versions of Internet Explorer. If you need to support these browsers, you might want to opt for Solution 1 or 3.

Solution 3: Using a Wrapper Element

A third approach is to wrap the flex item you want to align differently in a separate container element. This allows you to create a nested flex container with its own alignment settings.

  nav ul {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
  nav ul li:last-child span {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: flex-end;
    width: 100%;

In this example, we’re wrapping the Contact item in a `span` element and creating a nested flex container. We then use `justify-content: flex-end` to align the `span` element to the right, while the others remain centered.

Pros and Cons

This solution is more flexible than the previous two, as it allows for more complex alignments and layouts. However, it requires adding extra HTML elements, which can increase the complexity of your markup.


In conclusion, aligning a specific flex item while others remain centered is a challenging task, but with the right techniques, it’s entirely possible. We’ve explored three solutions: using the `margin` property, the `justify-self` property, and a wrapper element. Each solution has its pros and cons, so choose the one that best fits your needs.

Remember, flexbox is a powerful tool, but it requires practice and patience to master. With these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, responsive layouts that will impress your users.

Additional Resources

If you’re hungry for more flexbox goodness, check out these additional resources:

Happy coding, and don’t forget to flex those CSS muscles!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How to horizontally align a specific flex item while others remain centered using CSS?” in the format you requested:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to flex your CSS muscles and master the art of horizontal alignment!

Can I use the `margin` property to align a specific flex item to the left or right?

Yes, you can use the `margin` property to align a specific flex item to the left or right. For example, if you want to align an item to the left, you can use `margin-left: 0;` and if you want to align it to the right, you can use `margin-right: 0;`. Just make sure to set `margin-auto` to `auto` for the other items that you want to remain centered.

What if I want to align multiple flex items to the left or right?

In that case, you can wrap the flex items you want to align in a separate container element and apply the alignment styles to that container. For example, you can create a `

` element with the class `left-align` and apply the styles `margin-left: 0;` and `flex-grow: 0;` to it. Then, wrap the flex items you want to align to the left in that container.
Can I use the `justify-content` property to align specific flex items?

No, the `justify-content` property is used to align all flex items in a flex container, not specific ones. If you want to align specific flex items, you’ll need to use other methods, such as the ones mentioned above.

What if I’m using a flexbox grid system and want to align specific grid cells?

In a flexbox grid system, you can use the `margin` property to align specific grid cells. However, you’ll need to use a more specific selector to target the grid cell you want to align. For example, you can use the `:nth-child` pseudo-class to target a specific grid cell and apply the alignment styles to it.

Are there any other ways to align flex items horizontally besides using the `margin` property?

Yes, another way to align flex items horizontally is to use the `auto` value for the `width` property, along with the `margin` property. For example, you can set `width: auto;` and `margin-left: 0;` to align an item to the left. This method can be useful when you want to create a more flexible grid system.